Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chapter 1 and 2

In today's world technology plays an enormous role in children, and students. Teachers should be more informed about technology.  As a future teacher, the more I learn about the different technology, the more I can engaged my students in learning new ideas. Technology is driving profound changes in every aspect of modern society, transforming how children, teenagers, and teacher live. Today students grow up immersed in technology, experiencing a digital childhood and becoming an iGeneration of technology. As a future teacher, I can use utilize technologies for multiple purpose, such as, instructionally; such as class presentation, group project, and multimedia demonstrations.
Technology changes teaching ad learning in a positive, enriching and productive ways by; Differentiating instruction to offer students diverse learning experiences, motivating disengaged individuals, creating group and cooperative learning situations, allowing access to academic information from multiple sources, and letting students visit places and observe processes that cannot be seen without electronic systems. In public school and high school their is a lack of technology in the classroom and student get bored and lack of interest in the classroom. having updated technology in the classroom, this will challenge the students to think, motivate students to learn, giving feedback to student, and teaching to different variety. Most students need active learning environments to do their best learning in school. Learning can include technologies such as computers, the Web, educational software, blogs, wikis, and other tools that make academic content easy to access and engaging to use. Many teachers know how to operate computers, search the Internet; create PowerPoint presentation, but are less informed about how to use technology to transform teaching and learning in schools. As future teachers we need to engaged student in more technology and less reading book and during activities from books.

What do you think is one new technology that, if used widely in schools, could change how teaching and learning happens for students?


  1. Hi Shirley,
    Great post, I agree with everything you are saying about the students need to be in an active learning environment. I think this will lead to a better experience for both the teacher and the student.
    That is a great question that you asked. I think depending on the age if we can somehow use their cell phones for a lesson it would change some things. I think this because a lot of students always have their cell phones out regardless, so why not make them download some type of app that includes the lesson in it. They can all follow it on the smart board if they don't have a smart phone or for any other reason. I think we have to find new and exciting ways to engage the students and make them want to learn instead of have to learn.

  2. Hello Shirley,

    That definitely is a tough question. I am not sure which technology would be best for students. However, I would like to see students having their own iPads. They are SO convenient. They are lightweight, portable, and highly engaging. Also, the countless number of apps that can be downloaded is amazing. While it doesn't have a word processor, it does have internet capabilities and students can publish on blogs, like this, instead.

    As I mentioned on someone else's post, I student taught in a District 75 school. One of the specials that students received was literally, iPad. A technology teacher would come in and set up children on different educational apps. For example, one student would listen to stories and another would put together puzzles. In the upper grades, she would give them the iPad and they would play games and practice making change, which helped them gain vocational skills they needed.

    I was also a para for a young student and the speech teacher would employ apps. She had virtual icons that he would string together to make sentences and would also play games in which he sorted and worked on his receptive language.

    I could go on and on about the iPads in the school and the many uses it has- but I will just say that it is a great product and I would love to see more in schools.

  3. Hi Shirley
    I totally agree with you. I believe the best situation of a class is the student-centre classroom. Try to use some technology in the class will help students to be involved in it. When teachers use technology in the classroom, they need to make sure that it also works for students. I am not sure which is the best technology to use in the classroom, but I feel it will be something that can make students be interested in and want to learn from it.

  4. Hi Shirley!

    I agree I think the traditional teacher-centered classrooms are not as effective for the 21st century students. These students are accustomed to iphones, ipads, and access to computers, they grew up with technology in the palm of their hands. I think the switch to student-centered classrooms with opportunities for collaboration and group work is the model that teachers should be implementing. The goal of a 21st century teacher is to provide opportunities for students to become competent digital citizens and I believe students need to be interacting with technology to make this happen.
