Sunday, November 9, 2014

chapter 7 and 8 blog

Chapter 7 provides an overview of how educational software, apps, and learning games support an promote problem solving and inquiry learning.  It mention different types of software and what they overall function. These software refers to the codes that tell computers what functions to perform. These software applications is used by teachers and students. It includes word processing. electronic databases, spreadsheets, presentation to mention a few. Students and teachers learn a lot from these software and how to applied it to day-day lesson plan.  Educational software includes educational games, composing and calculating software, visual-thinking, to mention a few. As you know. visual worlds are a popular pastime for children and adolescents.  There are strategies for using games.  When teachers consider how to include games in their curriculum, teachers seek games to promote time on Teachers can used games to solve math problem. Teachers should point out to their students the proper way of the game.  Teachers should play game together with their students, so the student will stay focuses, engaged, and during the correct assignment. I like the higher-order and lower-order thinking terms associated with Bloom's Taxonomy. His team were interested in distinguishing between different forms of thinking, from basic recall and interpretation, which was the lower-order thinking and comparison and evaluation of theories and perspectives. Memorizing spelling emphasizes lower-order thinking, and a poem or creating dialogue for a skit requires high-order thinking.  This is a great technology to generates problem solving and inquiry learning among students.
Chapter 8  mention the various ways that teachers and students can use computers and social media technology to share ideas and information in classrooms and online learning environment. It talks about email, text messaging.. It also discussed blogs, and wikis as promising ways for teachers and students to share academic information while engaging in collaborative learning. It seem as everyone knows how to text and email. Every teacher  makes choices and decision on how to teach their student in classroom.  As future teachers we can use each of these communication technologies to share ideas and information. Teachers can use digital communications for teaching, publishing student work and energizing student writing.   Using email as a way to communicate with your students, families an professional colleagues.  Chapter 8 talks about three basic types of education-related blogs; such as organizational blogs, subject blogs and teaching and learning blogs.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

reaction on art pictures

I enjoyed look at all the art pictures on the google website.  This will be a interesting lesson plan to  for 4th and 5th grader. they can do a video on different art sites and it will be a interesting journey.

Monday, October 13, 2014

blog chapter 5 and 6.

Chapter 5 focus on using the internet for teaching, learning, and developing information literacy and digital citizenship. It examines different search engines, web-based information, cheating and plagiarism. As future teachers, we must used the internet to teach students how to research information and to become responsible digital citizens.  I am not a computer technology person. After reading chapter 5 and 6, It is so much you can learn, about different website and retrieve different information for your students. Digital and information literacy, includes knowing  how  "locate,gather, organize, interpret, present, use, etc." This is something new to me. Since, being in this class, I have learned a lot about  different application you can go into your computer to read up on different lesson plans, project, and evaluated different information .  In chapter 5 talks about Plagiarism and cheating.  teachers  should address the meaning of cheating and plagiarism and the consequences behind cheating and plagiarism.  Chapter 5 mentioned Cyberbullying  in the classroom, it has a negative and lasting impacting on academic performance.  Some consequences behind bullying and cyberbullying can causes depression, anxiety, low-self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, and low school performance. We as future teachers should have a zero tolerance toward  bullying.
Chapter 6
This chapter focus on online learning with educational websites.  Teachers can used a lot of strategy to teach and engaged there students in modern technology in the 21st century. Chapter six gave different strategy on how to used different educational web-sites. Our students can be a part of research team, a writing team, or depend on there interest. As future teachers, we should explored, engaged, and help students to prepared for there future in the modern 21st century technology.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

take away 10/8

I take  away a lot of information in regards to momive maker, and digital technology. It is very interesting to know so much about technology.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Chapter 4 blog

Chapter 4 talks about designing lessons and developing Curriculum with Technology. As I read this chapter, it look like it is very easy to do if you know a lot about computer.  For me, I am a visual learner and hands-on. This chapter gives three good ideas on lesson design and development. (1) What to teach (2)how to teach and (3)how to know what students have learned. This  learning design and technology  involves how teachers can use electronic resources to facilitate these processes. This technology plays a vital roles in assisting future teachers in what to teach question.  I did know it is so much things you can teach your students from modern technology, once you become familiar with the different programs. The chapter talks about the teaching goals, methods and procedures and combining them into formats for daily learning. It also talks about UBD (understanding by Design)  this is vital for the teacher and the student to provide a exploration of a topic and the teacher enduring the understanding from the teacher. As I mention earlier, I am a visual learner with hands-on, group work, and learning from each other. I guess using 21st century modern technology would be much easy for students to engaged and do not become bored.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Take away message from today class

Tonight, I learned a lot about digital lesson, how you can created different video, power-point presentation. It is so much you can learn from modern technology. I enjoyed the class. .

Sunday, September 21, 2014

chapter 3 and 9

When I went to school, you went to lectures, you learned things from the book, or by the teachers who tells you things. It was what I call the old model and the push model; my teachers just push the information into you. My next door next daughter is 2 years old, she knows how to text, goes on face-time and types on the computer. When she starts school, she will know all about technology. Children and teenagers have ipad, smart-phone, laptop, desk-top, videogames, and the internet. Chapter 3 focus on transforming learning with technology connects directly to NETS-T standard 1(International Society for Technology in Education.) By using this technology, teachers creates opportunities for students to think critically and solve problems, express themselves creatively. I enjoy reading the article on A Parent-Teacher Conference, the teacher emphasizing technology in her teaching. The parent asked the teaching why she emphasizing so much technology? The parent was puzzled about the role of computer, videos, digital cameras and calculators in the classroom curriculum. The parent tried to limit her son used of computer and television; she wanted her son to figure things out for himself, not become reliant on machines. She feels a student can learn with or without technology. The teacher explained to the parent her son can have a sense of independence, exploration, curiosity, and dynamic learning. The parent was not convincing.

There are many ways teacher can engaged student in learning in computer technology, such as one-on-one tutoring, learning in groups, inquiry learning, metacognitive thinking, thinking critically and solving problem communication and collaboration

Philosopher John Dewey say (1943) to motivate learning, observed, teachers constantly strive to gain the "outer" and 'inner" attention of students. John Dewey states "inner" attention is where learning happen.   We as teachers must motivate, engage and show then how new technology is a beautiful machine to work with.
How do you plan to support the different learning preferences of students when you enter the classroom as a teacher?

Chapter 9 focus on presenting and sharing information through the use of multimedia and digital technologies. Students want to learn differently ways of learning than in the past. we as teacher much show and teach new method of learning from books to the computers. Students want ways of learning that are meaningful, so they can take their computer knowledge in the real world. Power-point is one of the most widely used computer in the classroom. students can present information in visually engaging ways. There are so much technology students can enhance their learning and strategy, we as teachers much find the time to show, demonstrated and engaged our students, so they do not become bored or add to the list of being a dropout. It is up to us to make it happen. It is called out with the old in with the 21st century technology.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chapter 1 and 2

In today's world technology plays an enormous role in children, and students. Teachers should be more informed about technology.  As a future teacher, the more I learn about the different technology, the more I can engaged my students in learning new ideas. Technology is driving profound changes in every aspect of modern society, transforming how children, teenagers, and teacher live. Today students grow up immersed in technology, experiencing a digital childhood and becoming an iGeneration of technology. As a future teacher, I can use utilize technologies for multiple purpose, such as, instructionally; such as class presentation, group project, and multimedia demonstrations.
Technology changes teaching ad learning in a positive, enriching and productive ways by; Differentiating instruction to offer students diverse learning experiences, motivating disengaged individuals, creating group and cooperative learning situations, allowing access to academic information from multiple sources, and letting students visit places and observe processes that cannot be seen without electronic systems. In public school and high school their is a lack of technology in the classroom and student get bored and lack of interest in the classroom. having updated technology in the classroom, this will challenge the students to think, motivate students to learn, giving feedback to student, and teaching to different variety. Most students need active learning environments to do their best learning in school. Learning can include technologies such as computers, the Web, educational software, blogs, wikis, and other tools that make academic content easy to access and engaging to use. Many teachers know how to operate computers, search the Internet; create PowerPoint presentation, but are less informed about how to use technology to transform teaching and learning in schools. As future teachers we need to engaged student in more technology and less reading book and during activities from books.

What do you think is one new technology that, if used widely in schools, could change how teaching and learning happens for students?

Friday, September 5, 2014

My Personal Learning Goals

I would like to learn as much as possible in this class. I know teachers are using new technologies in their classroom. I would love to know and learn the different types of technology. I have know teaching experience, and no one in my family is a teacher.  I have a lot to learn about new technologies and how to applied it. Technology plays an enormous role in children, adults and teachers. As a future teacher, the more I am informed about technology , the better I will be able to understand students, their backgrounds and their learning needs. I can benefit from this class and classmates to become a successful teacher.